LA Noire is an adventure game on PC narrating a detective story set in Los Angeles in the late 1940s, in the context of post-war mingling corruption, drugs and jazz music. As the cross action, investigation and complex narrative, while presenting a series of gruesome murders to solve. This version includes basic PC business more than five editions consoles.
LA Noire shows another side; When a time racism was rampant, drug abuse was growing, and violence was all too common. You play as Detective Cole Phelps, a good hearted cop Whose Time Spent falling on fighting in the Pacific World War 2 has left him with a whole slew of baggage. PC players can finally bring the heavy hand of justice to the sinners of Los Angeles in the great PC port.
The war is over. Like many soldiers, Cole Phelps decided to continue to serve his country. It is now an investigator and his beady eyes suggests some capacity for research and analysis of evidence, as if the man was naturally suspicious and discreet. But his eyes are passing other emotions. Some sadness emanates from them. Phelps is not at peace with itself. Nor with its various superiors who, not content to seek leadership positions, are more concerned with their image of policies that advocate justice impeccable. But must deal with Phelps and his mission is to fill the prisons of the Los Angeles 40s, rotten drugs, alcohol, corruption, regardless of whether some shortcuts are made and ill defendants guilty. First, Phelps will work to traffic. An unenviable position but in LA, the slightest accident can hide a dark story of jealousy, adultery, revenge or simply. Then, our hero will quickly earn its detective inspector and gradually be given the kind of business which the press loves to talk in his headlines ...
Publisher: Rockstar Games
Developer: Rockstar Leeds
Type: Adventure / Action
France Released: November 11, 2011
(November 9, 2011 in the United States)
Classification: T - 18