
Just Cause 2

Just Cause 2 fr

Just Cause 2 est un jeu d'action sur PC. A votre disposition un large panel d'armes pour mener à bien vos missions que vous pouvez achever en beauté avec des cascades. 
A few years after San Esperito rid of his dictatorial regime, Rico Rodriguez this time sought to liberate the people of the island of Panau. More uncontrollable than ever, the American agent carte blanche to carry out its mission and account exploit the two breasts of its atypical profile: his mastery of combo grapple / parachute and pilot skills vehicles land, air and sea .
Just Cause 2

Rico Rodriguez is employed by the Agency and landed on Panau with a dual mission. First, trace Tom Sheldon, his mentor previously dropped on the island but no longer signs of life. Then find out why Pandak Panay probably murdered his Father to proclaim leader of the nation of Panau. To do this, we will have little Rico infiltrate successively the three rebel factions who oppose the government armed to the four corners of the island and its some 1000 km ². The Reapers, Roaches and the Ular Boys will be hosting Rico as a mercenary, unaware of his true intentions. The agent will then be transformed into revolutionary unravel the mystery kept by this place paradise but apparently haunted by incessant conflicts. However, players should not expect miracles from this scenario that developers use as a pretext to justify the chaos that will have to sow Rico. Poverty dialogues and relative importance cutscenes are there to remind us that this is primarily an action game hyper nag and that the depth of the story, we preferred the fun and freedom.

Servez-vous également du parachute et du grappin pour vous sortir de situations dangereuses, assurant ainsi votre survie en milieu hostile.

Just Cause 2 pcJust Cause 2 pc

Just Cause 2 pcJust Cause 2 pc

Just Cause 2Just Cause 2

Just Cause 2Just Cause 2

Just Cause 2

Hébergeur : DepositFiles
Plateforme : PC
Publisher: Square Enix
Developer: Avalanche Studios
Type: Action
Note the test: 15/20
